Monday, January 02, 2006

Could one more thing happen. I mean, really, when do I get a freaking break?

Austin is having major bedtime anxiety issues right now and it's stressing me out. For the past week, every single night we have to fight with him to go to bed. He ends up hysterical and totally freaks out. He wants to sleep with us or in the hallway right outside our door because he's afraid to be away from us. I don't know what to do. It's to the point where I'm in tears and my blood pressure has to be through the roof. I can't take this. I'm calling his therapist tommorrow to see if we can't get him in to talk to her. I really wish I could drive. Now Jason will have to take time off of work to take us to my doctor's appointment and now Austin's therapy appointments. Jeez, it never ends does it? Jason's in there right now trying to reason with him. We've been at it for over an hour and a half tonight. I needed to come here to vent!!


jkhenson said...

Hope tonight is going better for all of you. Take care. Jen

Christy said...

Hehe, tonight will be better because Austin's dad took him to the Piston's game and he's staying the night there. I get a break!!